Molly Malone Song
Although we haven't visited all that Dublin has to offer we did get to see a small amount.
Below is some pictures I took while there.
Below and above is the famous Liffey River. It runs right through the middle of Dublin. We get to see this river quite often since it flows near our home as well.
For those needing to learn to speak English.
This was the building (from a distance) that had the sign on it.
Inside the building that the kids are standing in front of was a church we attended. This photo gives you the opportunity to see how narrow the streets can be in Ireland.
It can rain here at any moment without notice. Below is a typical view looking out the car window.
We are hoping to go to the Leprechaun Museum while here. How often do you get to see a Museum like that?
Irish has proven (to me) to be one of the more difficult languages to pronounce. Every time I take a guess I later find out that I wasn't even close.
You will most likely see a lot of pictures like the one below. I have thoroughly enjoyed the roof-top flowers.
Below is the typical doors you see in Dublin.
The Catholic faith is quite strong here so it was no surprise to see this statue up high on the side of someones home.
I am finally not closing my eyes while Paul drives. I have learned to adopt the motto in the picture below. The next step is to learn to drive in this country myself. We'll see how that goes....