
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Waiting in the Desert

Well, for now we are currently residing in the desert.  It is looking like we will be waiting another month before visiting the "Land of the Green".  The good news is that I have much more time then originally expected to get things done around here.  I began to have a bit of a panic last week when I looked at my to-do list and the calendar.  I didn't know how in the world I would possibly accomplish all that needed to be done before the flight out.  At first I was a little sad to have to wait and then realized that may be God was being gracious in giving us more time.  I am also excited for the ability to study more of Irish history.  Paul is bringing home videos for us to watch with the kids and I have a couple of videos I checked out from the local library.  We are going to cook up some popcorn and learn all we can about Ireland.  The extra time will also give us the opportunity to go over Paul's Irish ancestral history as well as my Welsh history.  We are hoping to map out where our families came from and take a family trip out there.  We already have all that we need to see the county and towns we came from. 

I don't wait well but I am learning to wait.  God has used many instances to teach me to wait and I have learned over time that it's not so bad waiting.  It's just another process of this life. 
So, let the waiting begin.....................

Verse for today:

Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
 but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:30-31

Saturday, May 19, 2012


The newest update on our journey to the land of the green is that we have the rental home now.  Paul is moving into it today.  He is so happy to be out of a hotel.  It is furnished but still a bit empty.  I think the hardest part about all of this is that we aren't there to share it with him.  It feels good to know that we will have a home to go to but I wish we didn't have to wait for it.

The next newest news is that our trip out on the 31st may be delayed a bit.  The finalization of things are being a bit delayed so that means we are being delayed.  So for now Paul will be back home in a few days and we will be out there sometime in the future.  Hopefully we can withstand the wait.  Ultimately it's all in God's timing.  His timing is perfect and therefore we wait on Him.  We will be there if it is God's will.

Verse for today,

Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway.
Proverbs 8:34

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I looked at the calendar today and discovered we have 3 more weeks before the whole family is in Ireland.  The time has gone by so very fast. 
We still have so much work to do.  I have to do a massive cleaning of our current home, finish going through everything, put all valuables into storage as well as a safety deposit box, finalize the kids grades and gather transcripts, make copies of our Irish/English ancestral heritage, etc, etc. 
Soon the animals will go to their new homes.  To not have animals is a new concept.  Since 1994 we have had animals.  At first it was just a lonely cat but soon after they began to accumilate.  Thankfully we have wonderful family and friends who have volunteered to take on the task of our little-ones. 
Paul will be house-hunting over the next couple of weeks.  I did my part by printing out the rental ads that will work for our family as well as making a few viewing appointments for Paul. 
So, let the house-hunting begin!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Today has been a busy day getting ready for our trip.  We aren't packing our suitcases (of course) but instead prepping and preparing for being in  another country.  We aren't taking everything so it isn't as difficult to pack as it was when we were in the Navy.  The difficult part is deciding what we can fit into 2 suitcases.  I am hoping having less will keep my home a little cleaner. 
Yesterday I went through Tator Tot's clothes (that's what we will be calling her since this is a public blog) and was able to save only what we will need for our trip.  This whole week we have been finishing up packing our boxes of valuables.  Tomorrow is the day we bring our camper trailer over to my brother-in-law's house for storage.  Thank God for both him and our sister-in-law who were willing to help us out.  I have also been spending quite a bit of time on the computer looking for a rental home.  Do you know how hard it is to look for a home in Ireland when you are in the US?